School Overview & Curriculum

  • Cultivating Young Minds through Regenerative Farming and Experiential Learning

    At Cosmic Roots, we offer a unique, hands-on learning experience for children ages 3-15 through our Nature School Program. Rooted in the principles of organic, regenerative, permaculture, and biodynamic farming, this program immerses students in the wonders of sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship. From the youngest Nature Explorers to the more advanced Food Forest Ambassadors, our curriculum is designed to nurture a deep connection with the natural world.

  • Experiential Learning at Cosmic Roots

    Students gain extensive knowledge through direct encounters with plants, animals, and ecological systems. Drawing on indigenous and “old world” educational wisdom and ways, our program equips students with practical skills and scientific understanding while fostering essential character traits such as compassion, alert awareness, gratitude, and deep listening. Our approach blends the Montessori educational philosophy with project-based learning, allowing children to deeply explore topics that capture their curiosity.

  • Hands-On Activities and Learning

    Students engage in a variety of activities that blend education with practical experience. They learn the cycles of nature through gardening, seasonal crafts, and observing wildlife, while also getting their hands dirty with farm chores like planting, watering, harvesting, and farm-to-table planning and preparation. Our program emphasizes respect for all living creatures and teaches the importance of beneficial insects and natural ecosystems.

    As students grow, so does the complexity of their learning. Older students delve into topics like crop-extending measures such as working in a greenhouse, sustainable beekeeping, and ethical wildcrafting. They explore local ecology, learn food preservation techniques, and even create herbal remedies, all while understanding the vital connections between their actions and the health of the planet.

  • Character Development and Skills Building

    Students have so much fun that they often don’t realize how much they’re learning! Collaborative group challenges and guided debrief activities help build compassionate communication and leadership skills. Farm projects include tending to perennial and annual plants, animal care, mushroom cultivation, natural building, cooking, soap-making, herbal medicine, and more. We also share inspiring articles and short videos on topics ranging from local food systems and innovative compost solutions to global eco-social entrepreneurship initiatives.